777spins|Afghan gov't to stimulate understanding at Doha meeting: spokesman


KABUL777spins, June 29 (Xinhua) -- The delegation of the Afghan caretaker government aims to solve problems and stimulate understanding in the third round of UN-convened talks on Afghanistan in Doha777spins, Qatar, said Zabihullah Mujahid, spokesman of the government, on Saturday.

777spins|Afghan gov't to stimulate understanding at Doha meeting: spokesman

The spokesman, leading a six-member delegation to the meeting, said, "We are going to Doha for the purpose of stimulating understanding and solving problems and calling on all related countries to have a beneficial relationship with Afghanistan. Our attending in the meeting is not an enmity with any other side."

Mujahid said that they will ask all countries not to leave alone the people of Afghanistan in a tough situation.

The meeting is scheduled to begin on Sunday. The caretaker government was not invited to the first round of the conference last May and refused the second in February.