aseanseagames| Which is better, metallic paint or ordinary paint?


In the beauty and maintenance of cars, the choice of body paint is a link that cannot be ignored. The market is mainly divided into two categories: metallic paints and ordinary paints, each of which has unique properties and visual effects. This article will discuss in depth the characteristics of these two paint finishes to help car owners make choices that are more suitable for them.

Metallic paint, also known as metallic flash paint, is characterized by the fact that the paint contains tiny metal particles. Under the illumination of sunlight or light, these metal particles can reflect a unique luster, giving the car body a more dynamic and modern appearance. The hardness of metallic paints is usually higher than that of ordinary paints, so they have better wear resistance and scratch resistance. In addition, metallic paints also have relatively strong oxidation resistance and can better resist ultraviolet rays and severe weather erosion.

Ordinary paint, also known as plain paint, is the most traditional type of automobile paint. It is usually composed of a single pigment, with pure colors and simple and generous visual effects. The construction process of ordinary paint is relatively simple, so the cost is low, making it the first choice for economical vehicles. However, the hardness and weather resistance of ordinary paints are usually not as good as metallic paints, and scratches and fading are prone to occur.

foraseanseagamesIn order to more intuitively compare the performance of metallic paint and ordinary paint, the following is a simple comparison table:

aseanseagames| Which is better, metallic paint or ordinary paint?

Paint type Visual effect Hardness Weatherability Cost Metallic paint High gloss, higher metallic texture, better, higher ordinary paint is pure in color, simple in general and low in general

Choosing metallic paint or ordinary paint depends largely on the owner's personal preferences and budget. If you pursue the appearance, texture and long-term value preservation of the vehicle, metallic paint is undoubtedly a better choice. For car owners with limited budgets or who prefer a simple style, ordinary paint is an affordable option. No matter which paint finish you choose, regular maintenance and maintenance are the key to maintaining the appearance of the vehicle and extending its service life.