pokercoachingvideos| Huashang Fund Hu Zhongyuan's strength leads the "fixed income +" Huashang Anheng Bonds are on sale








  据了解,此次发行的华商安恒债券基金的拟任基金经理为胡中原。胡中原北京大学硕士毕业,至今已拥有超过9年的证券从业经历(其中3pokercoachingvideos.5年证券交易经历,1pokercoachingvideos.2年证券研究经历,5.0年证券投资经历),现任华商基金固收部总经理助理。他投资风格稳健,专注大类资产配置,强调配置品种的风险收益比,管理能力覆盖纯债债券型基金、偏债混合型基金、灵活配置混合型基金等多类型产品, 是一位攻守有道的全能选手。





pokercoachingvideos| Huashang Fund Hu Zhongyuan's strength leads the "fixed income +" Huashang Anheng Bonds are on sale



As of 20240331, Hu Zhongyuan has 9.7 years of securities experience (3.5 years of securities trading experience, 1.2 years of securities research experience, 5.0 years of securities investment experience). Hu Zhongyuan's successive funds: Chinese businessmen Runfeng flexibly configure mixed ARV 20190319 till now, Chinese businessmen Yuanheng flexibly configure mixed AVDs 20190510 till now, Chinese businessmen Runfeng flexibly configure mixed ARUs 20190619 until now, Chinese businessmen Hongyi one year regularly open bonds: 20200608 to date, Chinese businessmen balanced mixed ARUs 20200619 to date, Chinese businessmen Hongchang 39 months regularly open interest rate bonds A/C:20200925, Huashang Hongying 87 months regularly open bonds: 20210120 to present, Chinese businessmen Hongyuan regularly open pure debt bonds for three months: 20220328 to date, Chinese businessmen Hongsheng pure bonds: 20220510 to date, Chinese businessmen 20230616 to date, Chinese businessmen Yuanheng flexible allocation of mixed CRAVs 20230816 to date, Chinese businessmen Ruifeng short debt bonds A/C:20190605-20230314, Chinese businessmen cash gain currency A/B:20191220-20230314, Chinese businessmen solid interest bonds: 202003010-20200714.

Risk hint: the upper limit of the initial offering size of the Chinese Merchant Anheng Bond Fund is 8 billion yuan. if the scale exceeds the upper limit in the fund raising process, the fund manager will adopt the method of doomsday proportion confirmation to achieve effective scale control. The raising period of the Anheng Bond Fund for Chinese businessmen is 20240429-20240522. The fund manager promises to manage and use the fund assets in a good faith, due diligence, prudent and diligent manner, but does not guarantee the profit of the fund or the minimum return. The past performance and net value of the fund do not predict its future performance, and the performance of other funds managed by the fund manager does not constitute a guarantee of fund performance. The past performance of fund managers does not constitute a guarantee of the performance of the newly issued fund. If the fund invests in Hong Kong stocks, it also has to bear the exchange rate risk and the risk of the overseas market. When investors buy this fund, please read the fund contract, prospectus, summary of fund products and other fund legal documents carefully. The above views do not represent investment advice, the market is risky, the fund investment should be cautious. Investors are respectfully invited to choose products that meet the risk tolerance and investment objectives.