gutshotpoker| With the help of multiple black technologies, Sinotruk pickup trucks demonstrate the industry's hard strength


With the gradual promotion of the policy of lifting the ban on pick-up trucks and the rise of outdoor leisure lifestyleGutshotpokerPickup has become popular rapidly because of its amphibious properties of "city and wild". It can carry people and goods to meet the needs of work, and it can also travel across the country during holidays and feel the pleasure of driving in the wilderness.

However, there are many brands of pick-up trucks in the market, and their shortcomings are also very obvious. As ordinary users, how to choose a suitable pick-up truck model? Perhaps, the newly launched Sinotruk (000951) pickup truck will giveGutshotpokerYou have the perfect answer.

2.0T+8AT, create Golden Super Power

Many people choose pickup because its scene is more adaptable, whether it is the daily road driving in the city, or some unpaved roads in township and mountain areas, it can be easily dealt with, and even some cross-country pickups can also carry out professional cross-country activities. But in contrast, the complexity of the scene, more need to have a strong dynamic support.

China heavy truck pickup truck is equipped with Weichai Power (000338) WP2H 2.0T engine, maximum power 140kW, peak torque 420N ·m, it is the 2.0T diesel engine with the largest power and torque in the domestic single turbocharged platform, and its power performance is fully ahead of the same class. Whether it is daily urban road driving or field trips on weekends and holidays, it can provide strong power support.

In terms of transmission system, it matches the 8AT hand-integrated gearbox independently developed by Sinotruk. In the actual driving experience, the overall performance of the gearbox is very excellent, with positive shift, smooth connection, higher power output efficiency and more advantages in fuel economy. at the same time, it also breaks the situation of long-term monopoly by ZF 8AT in the market, and sets a good example for the technology research and development of its own brand.

The first urea double injection system is set up to solve the power problem of environmental protection.

gutshotpoker| With the help of multiple black technologies, Sinotruk pickup trucks demonstrate the industry's hard strength

With the implementation of national 6b standard, urea crystal blockage, frequent self-cleaning of DPF and substandard emissions cause vehicle speed limit twisting, which greatly suppresses the use of pick-up trucks.

Sinotruk pickup truck innovatively adopts urea double injection system, which can accurately control the injection quantity and injection time of urea solution, ensure that urea solution is fully mixed with exhaust gas, improve the utilization rate of urea solution, effectively reduce urea crystallization and carbon accumulation, thus reduce the blockage probability of DPF system and avoid the trouble caused by frequent self-cleaning of DPF system.

At the same time, because the urea nozzles are distributed in different positions of the exhaust pipe, it can cover the inner wall of the exhaust pipe more evenly, so that the urea solution can be better integrated with the nitrogen oxides in the tail gas, so as to meet the emission requirements and avoid the engine power limit caused by unqualified testing.

Original ultra-low temperature startup technology, which can be started in one go under extremely cold conditions.

The diesel pickup truck users in the north often encounter the problem that the vehicle is not easy to start in winter. because the starter of the diesel pickup truck is driven by the battery, the capacity of the battery will decrease in the cold climate in winter. the current and voltage of the starter can not meet the starting requirements, resulting in start-up failure. In addition, in the cold environment, diesel fuel fluidity becomes worse, injection difficulty increases, oil viscosity increases, and the friction between engine components increases, which is also an important reason why diesel pick-up trucks are difficult to start in winter.

In order to adapt to the car scene of users in the northern cold region, Weichai WP2H engine innovatively adopts diesel engine ultra-low temperature start-up technology, including cold zone special large capacity battery, high power starter, engine cylinder preheating technology, high efficiency fuel filter, efficient clean combustion technology, low friction technology six major cool techs, to ensure that the engine can operate normally in the extremely cold environment. It solves the problem of users' travel in cold weather.

In addition, the engine carried by Sinotruk pickup truck not only has excellent low temperature starting performance, but also has excellent durability and reliability. therefore, it provides 5-year / 160000 km ultra-long warranty and 1 / 20, 000 km maintenance interval, which greatly saves users' maintenance costs.


Diesel pick-up trucks are favored by the majority of users because of their strong power, high durability and low fuel economy, but at the same time, the shortcomings of diesel pick-up trucks have also become many problems troubling the majority of users. Sinotruk, as the leader of domestic heavy trucks, deeply ploughed the automotive field for many years, relying on solid technology accumulation, continuous innovation in research and development, and innovative skills to overcome many stubborn problems of diesel pick-up trucks. Let users enjoy strong power and no worries at the same time, but also provide users with more choices for their diversified life.

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