differenttypesofpoker| Accounting firms welcome major inspections! The coverage rate is no less than 20%, and these will become key inspection targets.


Interface News reporter | Chen Jing

differenttypesofpoker| Accounting firms welcome major inspections! The coverage rate is no less than 20%, and these will become key inspection targets.

RecentlyDifferenttypesofpokerThe official website of the China injection Association issued a notice on carrying out the practice quality inspection of national accounting firms in 2024.

The "plan" saysDifferenttypesofpokerThe Institute of Certified Public Accountants of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the Shenzhen Institute of Certified Public Accountants may, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the "measures to strengthen the Joint Supervision of the Certified Public Accountants Industry" (Finance Office Supervision (2020) No. 10), in conjunction with local financial departments (bureaus), carry out practice quality inspection of non-securities firms in their respective administrative areas, and the inspection coverage rate is not less than 20%. According to the needs of the work, the local injection association may include the local securities branch and the securities that have not yet carried out the annual report audit of listed companies into the scope of inspection.

At the same time, local injection associations should, on the basis of periodic inspection, according to the development stage and actual situation of local firms, establish and improve the "double random, one open" inspection mechanism in which inspection objects are randomly selected, inspectors are randomly selected, and inspection conditions and results are made public to the public. The local injection association shall set up a practice quality inspection account to ensure full coverage of the inspection of the firms in the administrative area within the 5-year cycle.

According to the data, as of December 31, 2023, there are 10665 accounting firms (9305 general offices and 1360 branch offices) in China. As of April 2024, a total of 114 firms (hereinafter referred to as securities exchanges) have been registered to engage in securities service business.

According to the "Plan", when the local injection association determines the practice quality inspection list in 2024, it should not only ensure the necessary coverage of spot checks, but also increase the intensity of spot checks on key objects.

In terms of key inspection objects, it mainly includes those with a relatively large scale of business, major merger, division, reorganization or newly approved establishment, or major changes in the type of business; those suspected of unfair low-price competition, rapid growth of business volume, or undertaking business quantity obviously do not match the human resources of the firm.

It also includes those found in daily supervision that the practice quality is poor, punished by regulators or reported more (including the practice quality issues referred by the Central injection Association or other units to the local injection Association and online sale audit reports, etc.); there are more cooperation projects with foreign firms and large domestic firms; firms that provide annual financial statement audit services for the comprehensive evaluation of the 100 ranked firms by the China injection Association.

In 2023, local financial departments (bureaus) imposed administrative penalties on 197 accounting firms and 509 certified public accountants, an increase of 13% over the same period last year.Differenttypesofpoker.22%, 21Differenttypesofpoker.77%.

Among them, 9 accounting firms had their licenses revoked, 49 accounting firms suspended their business, 127accounting firms were warned, and 162 accounting firms were confiscated of illegal income and fined a total of 15.8468 million yuan. Eight certified public accountants were revoked, 123 certified public accountants were suspended, 377 certified public accountants were warned, and 15 certified public accountants were fined a total of 355000 yuan. In addition, 436 accounting firms and 217 certified public accountants were subject to administrative treatment.

On May 10, Dahua Institute issued a statement that Jiangsu Securities Regulatory Bureau issued a written decision on administrative punishment to Dahua Accounting firm.

Due to the lack of diligence and due diligence in the audit of Jinlingtong's financial statements from 2017 to 2022, the audit report issued by Dahua was ordered to correct, confiscated 6.8868 million yuan of business income, fined 34.434 million yuan, and suspended from securities service business for six months. Three signed accountants shall be given a warning and fined accordingly.