8bprewardwincoinmaster| Diaoyutai Liquor Industry issued an article: Strike hard, crack down on counterfeiting, and defend market justice!


According to Diaoyutai Liquor News, since 1999, the Diaoyutai Hotel Administration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter referred to as "Diaoyutai State Guesthouse") has authorized the production and management of "Diaoyutai" brand liquor to Diaoyutai liquor industry, which is used exclusively and for a long time in Class 33 trademarks.

In recent years, with the rapid growth of soy sauce market, the market influence of Diaoyutai liquor is growing day by day, and there are some illegal acts in the market, such as setting up unauthorized stores, using "Diaoyutai" similar trademark to produce liquor, manufacturing and selling fake Diaoyutai liquor, and so on. these acts seriously infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the "Diaoyutai" brand and the Diaoyutai liquor industry. In this regard, with the strong support of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, the Diaoyutai liquor industry took up legal weapons, coordinated with local market supervision and public security departments to crack down severely, and resolutely maintained market order.

Crack down on "unauthorized shops" and "approximate trademarks"

In recent years, some shops have appeared in the market, either using the trademark "Diaoyutai" to design the door (shop sign), or marking the words such as the so-called "State Guest Wine tasting Center", or falsely calling the official Diaoyutai wine store. These acts seriously violated the relevant provisions of the Trademark Law of the people's Republic of China and the Anti-unfair Competition Law of the people's Republic of China, and damaged the unified image of the officially authorized stores of Diaoyutai Liquor Industry. At the same time, unauthorized shops confuse the public, and they have low control over product quality and purchase channels, which is very likely to sell counterfeit products, which harms the rights and interests of consumers and interferes with the healthy market order.

To this end, Diaoyutai Liquor Industry set up a special group to protect rights to carry out inspection work throughout the country. Diaoyutai Liquor Industry resolutely stops the above infringement by sending letters, on-the-spot communication, administrative complaints and other ways. So far, more than 60 infringing shops have been successfully cleaned up in Shandong, Guangdong, Fujian, Jiangsu, Hunan, Sichuan and other places.

The attack on similar trademarks is also the focus of the brand work of Diaoyutai wine industry. Similar trademarks such as "Diaotai" and "fishing" produced by imitating the trademark of "Diaoyutai" are intended to confuse consumers from the moment of registration.

Confirmed by the judgment of the State intellectual property Office, Beijing higher people's Court and Beijing intellectual property Court 24833763 "Diaotai Imperial products", 53920842 "Diaotai Imperial products", 65445202 "Diaotai Imperial products", 54502644 "Diaotai Imperial products 1959", 54502940 "Diaotai Imperial products 1959", 53923934 "Diaotai Imperial products Oriental Banquet", 39176782 "Diaotai Imperial products", 13131168 "Diaotai Gong", 44839434 "Prince of Diaotai", 44463588 "Diaotai Koi", 55127201 "fishing Emperor Blue porcelain", 55462327 "fishing Bang" More than 70 similar trademarks, such as 55754654 "fishing gift", 55754654 "Diaoyutai Emperor", 55768665 "fishing Fu", 55768665 "fishing ancestor", 55880788 "fishing Red" and so on, are not registered, revoked or invalid.

Crack down on "manufacturing and selling fake products"

In recent years, some lawbreakers have produced and sold fake Yutai Liquor, including counterfeit Diaoyutai Liquor products and products that Diaoyutai Liquor Industry has never produced for profit. Diaoyutai Liquor Industry has set up a special anti-counterfeiting team to cooperate with law enforcement agencies to carry out long-term follow-up investigation and accurate crackdown on illegal gangs.

At present, a number of industrial chains of manufacturing and selling counterfeit wine across provinces and cities have been destroyed nationwide, and three products that have never been produced by Diaoyutai Liquor Industry have been seized, including "Diaoyutai Yuyuzhen State Guest Liquor", "Diaoyutai Imperial liquid State Guest Liquor" and "Diaoyutai Royal liquid Treasure State Guest Liquor". At present, these three types of wine on the market are all fake wines. Please pay attention to the screening.

8bprewardwincoinmaster| Diaoyutai Liquor Industry issued an article: Strike hard, crack down on counterfeiting, and defend market justice!

Strictly control "online order"

In addition to controlling the source of counterfeiting, maintaining online order is also a top priority. Since the layout of e-commerce business in Diaoyutai Liquor Industry, on the one hand, it has strengthened authorization management and conducted regular audits of authorized stores.8bprewardwincoinmasterOn the other hand, the whole network is monitored by big data for 24 hours. At present, nearly 10,000 links have been removed from the shelves to sell Diaoyutai liquor without authorization, and fake wine has been found in the above shops. Please pay attention to the screening.

To maintain the "Diaoyutai" brand is the mission of every person in the Diaoyutai wine industry, and to adhere to "zero tolerance" for all illegal acts is the constant attitude of the Diaoyutai wine industry. In the future, Diaoyutai Liquor Industry will continue to defend its brand reputation, resolutely maintain market order, and protect the rights and interests of dealers and consumers.

At present, Diaoyutai Liquor Industry has set up a reporting channel. People from all walks of life are welcome to provide clues. For verified clues, the provider will be rewarded.

Report telephone number: 15911093920

Rights protection email: dytj_supervise@1638bprewardwincoinmaster.com