venetianpokertournaments| BOCOM Life Insurance won the 2024 "Jinnuo·Financial Brand Annual Innovation Case" award


On May 9, the eighth Financial Brand influence Forum sponsored by Bank of China (601988) Insurance News was successfully held. Brand builders and experts of the banking and insurance industry gathered together to discuss the important issues of cultivating financial culture with Chinese characteristics and shaping strong financial brands. Event announcementVenetianpokertournamentsThe "2024 Jinnuo eighth China Financial Brand influence Communication case Collection activity" won the award list, and BoCom Life's "helping the National Business School EMBA Football Invitational Competition Communication case" won the brand innovation award of the year.

venetianpokertournaments| BOCOM Life Insurance won the 2024 "Jinnuo·Financial Brand Annual Innovation Case" award

BoCom Life is the first domestic bank holding life insurance company established with the consent of the State Council and the approval of the regulatory authorities. Over the years, the company insists on building the characteristics of the health butler brand, building the corresponding product system, and continuously improving the health management service system to meet the needs of different customers through cooperation with professional health service partners.

In March this year, the fourth National Business School EMBA Football Invitational tournament was held in Shanghai. BoCom Life, as the only official insurance service partner for the competition, not only provides professional insurance services for all participating players, but also sets up an interactive exhibition area at the scene to actively introduce the importance of healthy living to the audience. This is not only an effective practice of BoCom Life to promote the concept of healthy living, but also an important exploration of the company's brand in the field of sports. The success of the event received wide attention from the business community, universities, sports, finance and other different circles, and received good cross-border publicity results.

BoCom Life will adhere to the original mission of "Insurance surname Insurance" and "Insurance for the people", focus on five major articles such as "inclusive Finance" and "Endowment Finance", constantly refine the connotation and value of its own brand, enrich the supply of diversified insurance products, continue to upgrade and optimize customer service experience, and better serve the needs of livelihood protection and high-quality economic and social development.Venetianpokertournaments?

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