axiecryptocoin| Xiongan New Area: Use greater efforts to introduce second-and third-level subsidiaries or innovative business sectors of central enterprises in Beijing


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[Xiongan New area: introduce second-or third-tier subsidiaries or innovative business sections of central enterprises in Beijing with greater efforts] Securities Times Network NewsAxiecryptocoinOn May 11, Xiongan New area held a meeting of members of the Party working Committee (enlarged). The meeting stressed that it is necessary to always focus on the priority of Beijing's non-capital functions.Axiecryptocoin...

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[Xiongan New area: greater efforts to introduce second-or third-tier subsidiaries or innovative business sections of central enterprises in Beijing] Securities Times Network News, on May 11, Xiongan New area held a meeting of members of the Party working Committee (expanded). The meeting stressed that it is necessary to always focus on the primary position of Beijing's non-capital function relief concentrated bearing place, speed up the landing of relief lists and market-oriented relief projects, refine the implementation of supporting policies, and make greater efforts to introduce second-or third-tier subsidiaries or innovation business sectors of central enterprises in Beijing. It is necessary to adhere to the lifeline of high-quality project construction, scientifically and accurately implement planning, carefully shape urban features, and speed up the construction of projects in key areas. Efforts should be made to enhance the innovation and development capacity of the new areas, fully implement the innovation-driven development strategy, build and make good use of all kinds of innovation platforms, strengthen the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and build a modern industrial system with Xiongan characteristics. We should unswervingly deepen reform and opening up in an all-round way, optimize and improve the investment and financing system and mechanism, constantly improve policies on education, health care, housing, and talent, strengthen the forward-looking design of the future urban construction, operation and management system, promote "doing one thing with high efficiency" and "doing everything well without obstacles", make overall efforts to do a good job in the construction and operation of high-tech zones, free trade zones, and comprehensive insurance zones, and promote high-quality development with a high level of opening up. Proofread: Zhu Tian Ting

axiecryptocoin| Xiongan New Area: Use greater efforts to introduce second-and third-level subsidiaries or innovative business sectors of central enterprises in Beijing