candycrush1| Just now, the public fundraising giant announced a change of coaches!


On the evening of May thirteenthCandycrush1According to a notice posted on the Guangfa Fund's website, Sun Shuming, the former chairman of the company, left office due to retirement, and GE Changwei became chairman of the company on May 13, 2024. At the same time, the announcement also expressed deep gratitude to Sun Shuming for his outstanding contribution to the Guangdong Development Fund during his tenure as chairman.

A Chinese reporter from a securities firm noted that Guangfa Fund, established on August 5, 2003, is one of the national public offering fund management companies approved by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. According to the data of China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association, by the end of the first quarter of 2024, the average monthly size of non-monetary wealth management public funds of Guangfa Fund was 6307.Candycrush1.73 billion yuan, ranking third in the industry.

The chairman of another head offering company adjusts

On the evening of May 13, the official website of Guangfa Fund announced that Sun Shuming, the former chairman of the company, left office because of his retirement. The new chairman is GE Changwei. The date of office is May 13, 2024. At the same time, the announcement also expressed deep gratitude to Sun Shuming for his outstanding contribution to the Guangdong Development Fund during his tenure as chairman.

The curriculum vitae disclosed in the announcement shows GE Changwei, the new chairman of Guangfa Fund, has worked in the Financial and Economic Committee of Anhui Provincial people's Congress, Anhui Provincial Department of Finance, Anhui Provincial Government General Office, Anhui Provincial Planning Commission, China Shenhua (601088) Group Transportation and Marketing Company, National Development and Reform Commission, General Office of the State Council, Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee, Guangdong Qingyuan Municipal Committee, Guangdong Development and Reform Commission, China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. Guangfa Securities (000776) works in Co., Ltd.

candycrush1| Just now, the public fundraising giant announced a change of coaches!

According to industry insiders' observation, since the establishment of Guangfa Fund for more than 20 years, the ownership structure of the company has been stable, the operation and management team has been stable, the average age of senior executives is more than 10 years, the core backbone of each business line has been stable, and the turnover rate has been kept at a low level in the industry.

With regard to the change of the board of directors, people related to the Guangfa Fund said that in the future, under the leadership of the board of directors, the Guangfa Fund will consistently adhere to the original mission of the industry and continue to give full play to its function of value discovery and resource allocation. to help the construction of China's modern industrial system and the development of new-quality productive forces. At the same time, continue to promote the company to strengthen the core investment and research capacity building, constantly improve the "platform, team system, integration, multi-strategy" investment and research system, give full play to the universal nature of public offering fund industry finance for the people, and strive to enhance the sense of achievement of investors.

According to the data disclosed in Guangfa Securities's 2023 annual report, Guangfa Fund is one of the investment managers of the national social security fund and basic old-age insurance fund, and also provides asset management services to insurance companies, financial companies, other institutional investors and the broad masses of investors. In addition, Guangfa Fund can raise funds in China to invest in the overseas capital market through the qualified domestic Institutional Investor Program (QDII) and the qualified domestic Limited partner Program (QDLP), and through its wholly-owned subsidiary Guangfa International Asset Management Co., Ltd., it can invest the funds raised abroad in China's domestic capital market in the form of RQFII. By the end of 2023, the public offering fund managed by Guangfa Fund totaled 1.220982 trillion yuan; excluding money market funds, the total size was 670.246 billion yuan, ranking third in the industry.

Senior executives of asset management agencies have entered a period of intensive change.

Chinese reporters from securities firms have noticed that April and May every year are periods of intensive changes for senior executives in the industry of public offerings and other capital management agencies. Wind data show that nearly 100 senior executives of about 60 companies have changed so far this year, including the chairman, general manager and deputy general manager. A considerable number of fund executives have been changed to retire, and most of them occurred in April and May.

At the end of February this year, BlackRock Fund announced that Zhang Chi, general manager of BlackRock Fund, had resigned for personal reasons, and Chen Jian, the chief inspector of the company, head of the compliance nuclear department and director, took up the post.

In mid-April, the Penghua Fund announced how the former chairman of the board left office because of his retirement at the age. Zhang Nasha, chairman of Dongfang Guoxin Securities (002736), took over as chairman of Penghua Fund.

In mid-April, Xu Wei, Deputy General Manager of Boshi Fund announcement Company, officially left as Deputy General Manager on April 12 for personal reasons. Xu Wei has been Deputy General Manager of Boshi Fund for nearly 9 years since June 2015.

At the end of April, Huaxi Fund issued an announcement on the change of chairman and director. The announcement shows that Cheng Huazi is the new chairman of Huaxi Fund. In addition, Liang Qunli is the new director of the company and Cai Qiuquan, the former chairman of Huaxi Fund, left office for personal reasons.

Also at the end of April, Zhang Fan, general manager of the financing Fund, left office. According to the announcement, from April 22, Zhang Fan left the post of general manager due to personal family reasons, and Shang Xiaohu, deputy general manager of the company, took over the post of general manager of the financing Fund.

In early May this year, Yimin Fund Management Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on the change of senior managers. Wang Mingde, general manager of the company, left office.