luckylotteriesresults| Among the top 500 most valuable brands in China, Yanghe shares have a brand value of 90.979 billion yuan, ranking among the top three in the industry


On May 9th, GYBrand Global Brand Research Institute compiled exclusively.LuckylotteriesresultsThe 2024 "Top 500 most valuable Brands in China" research report was released, which is a comprehensive list of the high-quality development of Chinese brands. 500 well-known brands from 29 provinces and regions were selected. Yanghe shares to 909LuckylotteriesresultsThe brand value of .7.9 billion is among the top 100 on the list, ranking among the top three in the liquor industry, showing strong enterprise strength and brand charm.

It is understood that the evaluation of this list is based on brand value, not simply according to the market value or revenue scale of the enterprise, but from a comprehensive analysis of several indicators in terms of financial performance, brand strength, brand contribution and sustainability. Felix, chief analyst at GYBrand, said: "Chinese brands are accelerating the pace of global layout, and world-class brands are emerging in many areas." Yanghe shares take quality as the foundation, innovation as the lead, responsibility to give the brand strength, so that the brand blooms the light of dreams.

Ingenuity and quality make the brand have more vitality

luckylotteriesresults| Among the top 500 most valuable brands in China, Yanghe shares have a brand value of 90.979 billion yuan, ranking among the top three in the industry

Behind the brand value, there is a strong quality support. Always adhere to the "quality is the lifeline, Mianrou is the moat" Yanghe shares to the extreme of products, forging the "hardest core" quality, rely on quality to win word of mouth, and constantly enhance brand awareness, reputation, loyalty.

In order to be "more gentle", Yanghe insists on long-term doctrine to create extreme softness, and has built the world's largest solid-state wine fermentation base, a high-standard traceable raw grain base, and a high-quality wine storage base of millions of tons. Data show that Yanghe has more than 70, 000 famous pits, more than 1000 brewing teams, and an annual original wine production capacity of more than 160000 tons. At the same time, there are more than 600,000 tons of raw pulp aged wine of different years, and the wine storage capacity is as high as 1 million tons, of which the high-end vintage wine stored in the pottery altar has reached 230000 tons.

In order to be more gentle, Yanghe has successively established ten world-class R & D platforms, such as national postdoctoral research workstation, China Light Industry Liquor Biological Brewing Engineering and Technology Research Center, China Liquor Health Engineering and Technology Research Center, and Post-doctoral Technology Innovation Center. It has cultivated a strong "Dream team" with 51 national wine evaluation committee members, 78 provincial wine tasting committee members and 1975 technical personnel. He won the first and second place in the second Chinese Liquor Chief sommelier Competition sponsored by China Liquor Industry Association.

In order to be "more gentle", inherit the "national non-heritage" Yanghe brewing skills of the Dream Blue Handicraft class, adhere to pure manual brewing. From the selection of five grains, to the steaming of raw grain, to distillation and selection, the old craftsmen inherited the 137 working procedures of the ancient method, practicing the manual concept of "heaven and earth brewing together, artists in one". Craftsmanship is Yanghe's adherence to quality and the inheritance of craftsmanship. This year, Yanghe launched Dream Blue. Manual class 10, 15, 20 series of products, are the whole process of manual brewing, highlighting the charm of "made by Chinese craftsmen".

Take responsibility to make the brand more warm

"Dream Culture" is the soul and symbol of Yanghe corporate culture and the feelings and spiritual beliefs of Yanghe people. For a long time, "Dream Culture" has always guided Yanghe to cultivate public welfare with practical actions, to cultivate the feelings of family and country, to shoulder social responsibility bravely, and to build the dream of the times.

From becoming a "partner of China's space industry" in 2019 and upgrading to a "strategic partner of China's space industry" in 2022, Yanghe continues to write about flying love. From launching the "millions of Aerospace Partnership Program" and broadcasting the important moment of China Aerospace live with CCTV, to helping the space public welfare, creating popular science dissemination and personnel training in space science, to the unveiling of "Qian Xuesen Book House" and "Yanghe. Dream Blue Jet Dragon III carrier rocket launched. Yanghe has always accompanied the people of the whole country to build a space dream and jointly participate in and witness every leap in the development of China's space industry.

From donating RMB 10 million to Zhuozhou, Hebei Province for disaster relief and post-disaster reconstruction, to holding the 2023 grant donation ceremony of "my University, my Dream" Yanghe shares and the Dream Blue Public Welfare Foundation, lighting up the "one lamp" for students to seek knowledge and truth, to join hands with China Dunhuang Grottoes Research and Protection Foundation to jointly promote the Dunhuang Guardian Plan. Protect Dunhuang culture. Yanghe has demonstrated the responsibility and responsibility of a national brand in various fields, such as helping the poor, donating funds to help students, earthquake relief, inheritance, and so on.

Chinese Brands, shared by the WorldLuckylotteriesresultsThe tide brand of domestic products will build the future. Brand is not only an important symbol of high-quality development, but also the internal support for the construction of a quality power, but also the most valuable intangible assets of enterprises. Yanghe shares, "brewing for a better life of the people", are interpreting the wonderful story of the dream of connecting the world!