jokerpokerhowtoplay|ADP数据显示美国企业新增就业19.2万 薪资增速放缓


Us companies had a strong pace of recruitment in April, with employees in many industriesJokerpokerhowtoplayDemand is strong.

Data released on Wednesday by ADP Research Institute and the Stanford Digital economy Lab showed that private sector employment in the United States increased by 19 percent in April after the previous month's data were revised.Jokerpokerhowtoplay.2000 thousand. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg forecast a median increase of 183000.

The increase for two consecutive months was the strongest since the middle of last year.

"there was a wide range of hiring in April," Nela Richardson, chief economist of ADP, said in a statement. Leisure and hotel industries as well as construction led the rise. Job growth is strongest in the south.

ADP data show that wage growth is cooling. The salary of job-hopping employees increased by 9.3%, down nearly 1 percentage point from the previous month. The median salary of remaining employees increased by 5 per cent, similar to that in March.

The government's monthly employment data, due on Friday, is expected to show a slowdown in hiring after a blowout in March. The median estimate from a Bloomberg survey shows that non-farm payrolls are expected to rise by 240000, the slowest increase since November. In recent months, the figure has exceeded expectations.

The ADP report is based on salary data for more than 25 million US private sector employees.

jokerpokerhowtoplay|ADP数据显示美国企业新增就业19.2万 薪资增速放缓