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New energy car companies in Hong Kong have soared!

On May 2, the share prices of new energy car companies in Hong Kong rose sharply. As of the press release of the brokerage in China, Xilai Motor has risen by 20%.Mariokartgpdx.56%, zero-running cars up 16.02%, Xiaopeng cars up 8.72%.

On the news side, the sales data of new energy car companies in April have been released one after another, and the sales of a number of car companies have continued to grow. Hongmeng Zhihang delivered 29632 new cars in April. BYD delivered 313245 new energy vehicles in April, up 48.96 per cent from a year earlier. Xiaomi SU7 delivered 7058 vehicles in April, and as of 24:00 on April 30, Xiaomi SU7 had locked up 88063 vehicles. A number of other car companies also saw a rapid increase in delivery in April.

At the policy level, it is also good for the new energy vehicle industry. The head of the National Development and Reform Commission said on May 1 that it will promote the development and growth of key enterprises of new energy vehicles, speed up the withdrawal of backward enterprises and production capacity, and promote the optimization and restructuring of new energy vehicle enterprises. On April 26, seven departments, including the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance, jointly issuedMariokartgpdxAccording to the detailed rules for the implementation of Automobile Trade-in subsidies, individual consumers who buy new passenger cars that meet the energy-saving requirements can enjoy an one-time quota subsidy of 7000 yuan or 10000 yuan.

Hong Kong automobile share prices soar

On May 2, Hong Kong stocks opened and the auto sector rose rapidly. As of brokerage China's press release, the new energy vehicle sector is up more than 5%, Xilai Motors is up 20.56%, Zero cars are up 16.02%, and Xiaopeng Motor is up 8.72%.

The excellent sales data of new energy car companies in April may be the core driving force for the outbreak of the Hong Kong auto sector. Among them, the delivery volume of Xilai broke out in April, delivering a total of 15620 new cars, an increase of 134.6 per cent over the same period last year. A total of 45673 vehicles were delivered from January to April, an increase of 21.2% over the same period last year. On April 1, Weilai launched a subsidy of up to 1 billion yuan for fuel truck replacement. In May, Weilai again launched the "0 down payment" car purchase program, and the "trade-in" can enjoy an exclusive subsidy of up to 20000 yuan.

Hongmeng Zhihang delivered 29632 new cars in April. Among them, the M9 delivered 13391 new cars, with a total of more than 70, 000 Dading, and the Zhijie S7 delivered 4546 new cars. The new M7 has delivered a total of 133808 vehicles since its launch on April 30. In addition, Hongmeng Zhijie S9 also made its debut during the Beijing Auto Show.

According to data released by BYD, the company's sales reached 313200 in April, up 48.96% from a year earlier and 3.57% from a month earlier, and sales continued to climb. Among them, BYD's dynasty and ocean series sold 297900 vehicles, Tengli sold 11100 cars, while million-class look up brands sold 952 vehicles, and equation Leopard sold 2110 cars.

In terms of exports, BYD broke through the 40,000 mark for the first time. Its overseas sales reached 41000 in April, up 176.6 per cent from a year earlier. In the first four months of this year, BYD's overseas sales totaled 138900.

It is worth noting that Lei Jun said bravely before, "listing is delivery, delivery is quantity." According to the final data, as of 24:00 on April 30th, Xiaomi SU7 had locked up 88000 vehicles. Xiaomi said that Xiaomi SU7 is making every effort to expand production capacity and speed up delivery to ensure that the annual delivery target of 100000 vehicles this year is met.

Ideal car delivery of 25787 vehicles in April up 0.4% year-on-year, this year's cumulative delivery reached 106187, the performance is relatively low.

According to the previous analysis of the Federation, there was a lack of momentum for the recovery of the car market in early April, and various enterprises took price cuts in response, but the transaction transformation brought about by the price downturn had little effect. With the advent of the Beijing Auto Show, various manufacturers have begun to make efforts. Since mid-April, new brands and new models have been released one after another, and consumers' attention to the car market has increased sharply, which is expected to stimulate the early pent-up demand for cars to accelerate the release.

The voice of the National Development and Reform Commission: promoting the optimization and reorganization of new energy automobile enterprises

The head of the National Development and Reform Commission said on May 1 that it will promote the development and growth of key enterprises of new energy vehicles, speed up the withdrawal of backward enterprises and production capacity, and promote the optimization and restructuring of new energy vehicle enterprises.

The head of the National Development and Reform Commission said in an interview with Xinhua that focusing on the high-quality development of the new energy vehicle industry, we are stepping up efforts to study and improve relevant policies and measures, focusing on promoting work in three areas.

The first is to promote industrial optimization and upgrading. We will continue to promote industrial innovation through scientific and technological innovation and guide enterprises to continuously strengthen R & D investment and technological innovation. Promote the R & D and innovation of power batteries, intelligent driving and other technologies, and enhance the level of standardization and integration of vehicles and parts. We will promote the development and growth of backbone enterprises of new energy vehicles, speed up the withdrawal of backward enterprises and production capacity, and promote the optimization and reorganization of new energy vehicle enterprises. At the same time, China will completely abolish restrictions on foreign investment in the manufacturing sector, welcome global automobile companies to deeply integrate into the Chinese market and industrial chain system, and share the fruits of the development of new energy vehicles.

The second is to better meet consumer demand. In conjunction with relevant departments to carry out the automobile trade-in campaign, 2024 new energy vehicles to the countryside activities, continue to expand the market scale, with high-quality supply to better meet the demand for new energy vehicles. It will cooperate with relevant departments to speed up the implementation of the action plan for the trade-in of consumer goods, adopt preferential policies such as finance and taxation in accordance with the rules and regulations, and support qualified trade-in behavior, so as to better meet the needs of consumers for new energy vehicles.

The third is to speed up infrastructure construction. We will strengthen the overall planning and coordination of new energy vehicles, energy, electric power, infrastructure and other industries. We will speed up the construction of a high-quality charging infrastructure system, vigorously promote the construction of charging facilities in key areas such as old residential areas, along highways, and rural areas, and speed up the construction of public charging facilities dominated by fast charging. We will improve the charging guarantee capacity of highway service areas and other holidays. Promote the improvement of technical standards, strengthen safety supervision, and improve the service level of charging infrastructure operation. We will implement and improve the TOU electricity price policy, increase the protection of land use and financing, and provide strong support for the construction of charging infrastructure.

  汽车行业的“以旧换新”等政策此前已经落地。4月26日,商务部、财政部等7部门联合印发的《汽车以旧换新补贴实施细则》(以下简称“细则”)对外发布。细则规定自印发之日至2024年12月31日期间,报废国三及以下排放标准燃油乘用车或2018年4月30日前注册登记的新能源乘用车,并购买符合节能要求乘用车新车的个人消费者,可享受一次性定额补贴,补贴金额为 7000元或 1 万元,具体视新购入的乘用车类型而定。

















