oystertoadfish| Musk says he does not support imposing tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles


Tesla CEO Elon Musk said thatoystertoadfishHe does not support the U.S. government's recently announced decision to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles.

During the Q & A session at the VivaTech conference on Thursday local time, Musk said in response to questionsoystertoadfish"Neither Tesla nor I have asked for these tariffs. In fact, I was surprised when they announced it."

Musk said: "Tesla competes well in the Chinese market without tariffs and preferential support. I am in favor of not imposing tariffs."

oystertoadfish| Musk says he does not support imposing tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles

Musk added that he also disagreed with providing tax breaks for electric vehicles.

"I'm in favor of no tariffs and no incentives on electric vehicles or oil and gas," Musk said.

Earlier this year, Musk said that without trade restrictions, Chinese electric vehicle companies would crush competitors elsewhere.

"Frankly, I think if trade barriers were not built, they would almost destroy most other companies in the world," Musk said during Tesla's earnings conference call in January.