avetraptorlx63| Cui Dongshu of the Passenger Association: China's pure electric vehicle pile ratio in 2024 will be 1:1, several times ahead of the world


News summary

Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Federation, revealedavetraptorlx63In 2024, China's pure electric vehicle pile ratio will reach 1:1, far exceeding several times in other countries in the world, and its charging infrastructure system will be fully ahead.

avetraptorlx63| Cui Dongshu of the Passenger Association: China's pure electric vehicle pile ratio in 2024 will be 1:1, several times ahead of the world

Newsletter text

[China's pure electric vehicle pile ratio in 2024 is 1:1, leading the world] Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the Passenger Transport Association, said recently thatavetraptorlx63my country's charging infrastructure has formed the world's largest network, with service scope and variety types among the top in the world. According to the latest estimates, by 2024, the ratio of pure electric vehicles to charging piles in my country's incremental market will reach 1:1, which far exceeds that of other countries, showing my country's significant advantages in electric vehicle infrastructure.