oldarcademachines| Zhejiang Construction Investment: Confirm that there are no major changes in its main business and exclude planning for major matters


News summary

May 26oldarcademachines, Zhejiang Construction Investment's stock fluctuated abnormally. After review, there have been no major changes in the company's main construction engineering and related industries. The current operations are stable and there is no major unannounced information.

oldarcademachines| Zhejiang Construction Investment: Confirm that there are no major changes in its main business and exclude planning for major matters

Newsletter text

[The fluctuation of Zhejiang Construction Investment's share price attracted attention, and the company's fundamentals remained stable] On May 26, Zhejiang Construction Investment's stock trading experienced abnormal fluctuations. After verification, the company confirmed that there have been no major adjustments in its core business areas, including construction and industrial manufacturing, engineering services and infrastructure investment and operations in related industrial chains. At present, the company's operating conditions and internal and external environment have not witnessed significant changes. At the same time, the company, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers have no knowledge of any undisclosed major matters or major matters under planning.