

Newsletter summary

Changan Renheng (08139) announcedWorldseriesofpokereuropeBased on the consultation summary of the GEM listing reform of HKExWorldseriesofpokereuropeDecided to stop issuing quarterly financial reports aimed at reducing compliance costs while ensuring adequate disclosure.


Text of news flash

[Changan Renheng cancels quarterly financial report to reduce compliance costs] Changan Renheng (08139) announced today that according to the consultation summary of GEM listing reform issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK) in December 2023, the company has decided not to publish and publish quarterly financial results and reports. The move is in response to a new rule by the Stock Exchange that removes mandatory quarterly reporting requirements for GEM-listed companies. The company also noted that detailed disclosures have been provided in the interim and annual results announcements, reducing the need for quarterly reports. In addition, the cancellation of quarterly reports is expected to help reduce the company's compliance and administrative costs. Changan Renheng's decision is to comply with the new rules of the Stock Exchange, taking into account the adequacy and cost-effectiveness of disclosure. This move may have some impact on the company's investor relations, but for the company's management and operation, it is expected to improve efficiency and reduce operating costs.