newslotsiteswithafreesignupbonus| New policies for the property market are intensively introduced to prevent and resolve risks in the real estate sector


Source: CCTV Finance

newslotsiteswithafreesignupbonus| New policies for the property market are intensively introduced to prevent and resolve risks in the real estate sector

[#New policies for the property market are intensively introduced ##Prevent and resolve risks in the real estate sector #] Todaynewslotsiteswithafreesignupbonus, the central bank issued three letters to optimize housing finance policies. The four departments also focus on four key points and do a good job in ensuring the delivery of houses. The reporter observed that policies were intensively introduced to prevent and resolve risks in the real estate sector. At present, 23 key cities across the country no longer purchase restrictions; many places have launched "trade-in" housing, and more than 50 cities across the country have expressed their support or introduced specific measures; some places have proposed to renovate or purchase existing housing to raise affordable housing. In the future, various cities will link "people, real estate, money" to promote the balance of supply and demand in the real estate market and prevent major ups and downs. Affected by the new property market policy, the three major A-share indices all rose by more than 1% today, and real estate stocks rose across the board.