doubledoublebonuspokertripleplay| Fund companies have cooperated with the supervision to carry out self-inspections involving these businesses


Recently, it has been reported that some public fund companies are cooperating with the supervision to carry out self-inspection work.

After verifying with a number of fund companies in the industry, a reporter from the Daily Economic News learned that he had not yet received a notice of comprehensive self-examination for fund companies, but the requirements for self-examination for individual businesses were indeed being implemented.

From the reporter's understanding of the situation, such as complaints, indicators change risk and other projects are important aspects of regulatory concern. In addition, some fund companies in marketing and promotion business requirements are also higher than before, and now they are also implementing the optimization and self-inspection mechanism under the new regulations.

It is reported that at present, local securities regulatory bureaus will conduct supervision combined with exchange data, and at the same time, there will also be some monitoring systems for supervision, combined with the launching of institutional self-inspection work, and the control of industry compliance risks will be further tightened.

Fund companies cooperate with supervision and self-inspection according to individual business

Regular self-discipline and self-inspection work is relatively common within fund companies, especially at a time of strong supervision and strict supervision, local regulatory departments pay more attention to the standardized operation of institutions, and fund companies are also carrying out targeted self-inspection and self-discipline work.

The reporter learned from a number of public offering funds in the industry that some companies have carried out targeted self-examination and management work. On May 20, some media noticed that some fund companies in the industry had received the latest request to conduct a comprehensive self-examination of the company's compliance risk control since 2023, including the establishment of the company's internal organizational structure, the construction of compliance management system, the construction of comprehensive risk management system, the security of information systems, the protection of investors' rights and interests, and so on.

However, in this regard, the interviewees generally said that they had not received a notification of a comprehensive self-examination.DoubledoublebonuspokertripleplayHowever, some organizations have made it clear that there are requirements for self-examination or even admission inspection for individual businesses.

On May 20, a relevant person of a medium-sized domestic fund company said in an exchange with reporter Wechat that the self-examination requirements for the risk of complaints and changes in indicators are already being implemented and cooperate with the supervision and entry inspection.

As for the focus of regulation, respondents said they would understand it according to the unique regulatory system. "for example, fluctuations in net worth indicators, changes in scale and so on exceed what they think is reasonable space."

It also said that these work are not concrete rules for supervision, and managers have an obligation to cooperate with and answer questions as long as they are of regulatory concern.

It is understood that the collection of relevant data (regulators) will get in touch with the exchange, of course, there will also be some systems of local securities regulatory bureaus for supervision; if some problems are found to require on-site interviews, on-site compliance interviews will also be conducted. Not long ago, some fund companies have completed the relevant work with supervision, and they are all explanations of normal business, and so on.

doubledoublebonuspokertripleplay| Fund companies have cooperated with the supervision to carry out self-inspections involving these businesses

Some fund companies said that at present, a lot of compliance improvements have been made in the marketing promotion business, "mainly the examination of qualifications and the qualification applications for some promotional marketing." as well as the compliance requirements for the explanation of 'fixed income +' products have been changed, from the internal compliance requirements, are very different from before, but also as part of risk control and self-inspection and self-discipline. "

A number of fund companies have been punished for violating regulations before.

In the context of strong supervision and strict supervision, more and more regulatory penalties point to many areas of the financial industry, while in the public fund industry, many institutions have been punished for violations.

Since 2023, a number of public fund institutions, including Jiutai Fund, AVIC Fund and East China Sea Fund, have received penalties from regulators, and some fund companies have received fines more than once.

This reflects problems such as imperfect corporate governance, compliance internal control and personnel management systems that have not been effectively implemented; the use of fund property to make profits for others; and outstanding problems such as inadequate performance of active management responsibilities of some products, and the subjects or individuals involved have also been punished because of violations.

Since the beginning of this year, the supervision of the industry has been further strengthened, whether it is the relevant requirements and arguments of strengthening the supervision of securities fund institutions in the new "National Nine articles". Or the "opinions on strengthening the Supervision of Securities companies and Public funds and speeding up the Construction of first-class Investment Banks and Investment institutions (for trial implementation)" issued by the Securities Regulatory Commission are actively responding to market concerns, innovative policies and technical means to strengthen the supervision of the industry. Guide the healthy development of the industry.

In recent years, with the increasing volatility of the basic market, the decline of investment performance of some industry institutions, the large scale of high-level offerings and the poor perception of investors have been gradually exposed, which has affected the overall image of the public offering fund industry to a certain extent. In this regard, some analysts believe that correcting the concept of industry management, improving the medium-and long-term funding capacity of services, and better protecting the interests of medium and small investors are the aspects that all financial institutions, including public offering funds, should pay attention to.

To carry out risk monitoring and investment operation regularly is also an important work to reduce the risk exposure of key institutions and key products in time, to deal with risk cases decisively, and to ensure the sound operation of the industry. Some analysts and suggestions point out that it is necessary to implement classified supervision arrangements for fund special account subsidiaries and independent fund sales institutions, and resolutely promote market clearance for institutions that do not have the ability to develop their business or who seriously violate the law and regulations.