nodepositbonusslots| The prophecy reappears?! Someone also accurately predicted the daily limit of Zhongtong Bus, and the supervision warned of relevant risks


At the time of the recent recovery of the A-share market, the stock market "small composition" began to stir up trouble again.

On May 20, on the network platform, someone released the news in advance to predict that Nanjing Chemical Fiber (600889) fell to the limit. Then, at 14 p. M. that day,NodepositbonusslotsAround 35, Nanjing Chemical Fiber was directly smashed from the rising limit to the falling limit.

On May 21, someone posted a post in the Zhongtong bus (000957) stock bar saying, "I am Zhuang 01:20 pull up the limit." After the opening of trading at noon, the Zhongtong bus shook and lifted the limit at 13:21. Surprisingly, the rising limit time of Zhongtong bus is almost in line with the above-mentioned investors' forecasts.

Others predict the stock price.

On May 21, Zhongtong bus continued to shake and pull up after opening at noon. 13:14, Zhongtong bus showed a sharp pull. After a brief pullback, Zhongtong bus pulled up again at 13:20, and the Zhongtong bus rose by the limit at 13:21.

It is worth noting that before the limit of the company's share price, some people have predicted the limit on the stock bar platform. At 12:46, a shareholder posted a post sayingNodepositbonusslots"this is Zhuang who pulls up the trading limit at 01:20."

In fact, on May 13, May 14 and May 15, Zhongtong bus also rose one after another. On May 13, the Zhongtong bus rose to the limit shortly after opening; on May 14, the Zhongtong bus opened sharply and again to the limit; on May 15, the Zhongtong bus opened more than 8% high, and then continued to fluctuate and fall.

With regard to the abnormal fluctuations in the share price of Zhongtong bus, the company announced that the recent production and operation of the company is normal, the internal and external operating environment has not occurred and major changes are not expected; after verification, the company, controlling shareholders and actual controllers do not have significant matters about the company that should be disclosed but not disclosed, and there are no major matters in the planning stage.

Supervision has been stepped in.

Recently, a number of stocks have moved in line with the "grapevine", which may make investors more keen on the "grapevine" as a basis for buying and selling stocks.

On May 20, the chemical cattle stock that rose continuously by the daily limit of Nanjing Chemical Fiber suddenly appeared a dense single smash. That day, 14 p.m.NodepositbonusslotsAt about 35, Nanjing Chemical Fiber closed the limit.

It is worth noting that before Nanjing chemical fiber was hit to the limit, someone on the stock bar platform predicted that the company's stock price would fall to the limit. Some netizens saidNodepositbonusslotsThere will be a surprise at 2:34 in the afternoon on Nanjing Chemical Fiber. " After the close of the day, the netizen wrote in the stock bar: "to clarify, I sent the message, but I did not smash the disk."

nodepositbonusslots| The prophecy reappears?! Someone also accurately predicted the daily limit of Zhongtong Bus, and the supervision warned of relevant risks

After the "Sky floor" was staged on May 20, Nanjing Chemical Fiber staged another "Skyboard" market on May 21, which opened with a falling limit price, then pulled up and turned red in a straight line, and then pulled up and closed up again in the late trading.

The Shanghai Stock Exchange announced that Nanjing chemical fiber stock prices fluctuated sharply on May 20. The Shanghai Stock Exchange has paid attention to the relevant network information about the stock's stock price trend on that day, and immediately launched the transaction verification, and the corresponding measures will be taken in time according to the verification results. The Shanghai Stock Exchange reminds investors to pay attention to investment risks and comply with the rules and regulations of prudent trading.

Baichuan shares today also appeared the scene of God's prophecy. At 09:50 this morning, a netizen announced in Baichuan share (002455) share bar, "there is a surprise at 02:20." Perhaps it is a warning from Nanjing Chemical Fiber that Baichuan shares were opened by the daily limit at 01:43 in the afternoon.

Don't let "grapevine" influence the market.

Recently, with the improvement of market activity, the "small composition" of the stock market began to stir up trouble again, causing sharp fluctuations in the share prices of some companies.

The "small essays" on the market can be roughly divided into two categories: one is true and the other is false. If with a certain purpose, release important news and cause sharp fluctuations in the company's stock price, it is a very serious violation regardless of whether the whistleblower and communicator are unintentional or intentional, as well as the purpose of the leak.

There are also some market rumors that will also lead to increased volatility in the company's share price. This part of the dissemination of content may be pure shadows, non-existent. Through the dissemination of relevant news, I hope to be able to affect the rise and fall of the stock price, facilitate their own access, and steal private interests. This kind of profit-making behavior may not only cause harm to other investors, but also have varying degrees of impact on listed companies and the whole market.

In fact, at the end of 2022, the Secretary Bureau of the Central Internet Information Office and the General Office of the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued the notice of "work Program for online Information content Management of illegal Securities activities".

The above-mentioned "plan" mentioned that it is necessary to consolidate the responsibility of the main body of the information content management of the website platform and organize to carry out a comprehensive self-examination. timely clean up and deal with illegal stock recommendation information and accounts such as institutions that do not obtain securities investment consulting business permits and individuals who are not registered as securities investment consulting practitioners to provide securities investment suggestions. As well as fabricating and spreading false securities information, bewitching transactions and other "black mouths" related to the stock market and counterfeit securities fund management institutions, staff information and account numbers.

Guorong Securities said that investors should adhere to the concept of value investment and rational investment. Don't be under the illusion of "getting rich overnight" and be fooled by the false information of illegal elements with high returns and high returns. In fact, the high returns and high returns promised by illegal elements are often difficult to achieve; even illegal elements collude with "market makers" who manipulate the market to fabricate and spread false information and deliberately deceive investors, resulting in huge losses for investors.