metaverseplaytoearncrypto| AIPC: It is expected that the cost of AIPC will increase by 20 to 40% compared with PC


Source Gangtise Investment Research

metaverseplaytoearncrypto| AIPC: It is expected that the cost of AIPC will increase by 20 to 40% compared with PC

Experts predict that in the AIPC era, memory capacity will increase from 16GB to 32GB or even higher, and HBM and integrated chip memory may appear.metaverseplaytoearncryptoNew technologies have triggered major adjustments in computer architecture. In addition, SSDs are also facing doubling growth demand, and heat dissipation will face a 50% growth demand growth. It is expected that the cost of AIPC will increase by 20 to 40% compared with that of PC. The main value increase comes from CPU, NPU, memory, storage and heat dissipation.