trustdicecasino| On May 27, 2024, the daily limit was known: the seven major benefits are expected to ferment


News on May 26thTrustdicecasinoThere are seven advantages that may affect tomorrow's stock market, specifically:

1. Laibao Tech: the new product of glass seal loading board developed cooperatively involves TGV technology.

Laibao Hi-Tech (002106) said in the interactive platform that the new glass seal loading board products jointly developed by the company involve TGV technology, but TGV technology is currently facing problems such as immature technology and high technical threshold, and there is some uncertainty about whether it can successfully achieve a breakthrough.

2. Huatong Cable: the company and its subsidiaries sign power supply contracts.

Huatong Cable (605196) announced on the evening of May 26 that the company and its subsidiary Huatong Angola recently signed a "power supply contract" with the franchisor of the Angolan national transmission network. it is agreed that Huatong Cable will provide power supply for the construction project of Huatong Cable in Angola. Power supply is an important issue in the production capacity of electrolytic aluminum, and the signing of this contract is the phased progress of the company's Angola project.

3. Mercedes-Benz message: received 4TrustdicecasinoTransaction notice of RMB 6.8 billion for computing service procurement project

Mercedes-Benz Information (300571) announced on the evening of May 26th that the company recently received the "transaction notice" of the arithmetic service procurement project of Zhejiang arithmetic Technology Co., Ltd., and Mercedes-Benz Information became the transaction supplier of the arithmetic service procurement project of Zhejiang arithmetic Science and Technology Co., Ltd. The project will build a keca computing cluster to provide intelligent computing services for large model training, and support subsequent smooth expansion to the Wonka cluster. The project will have a positive impact on the company's development of computing business. The service content is: thousand card cluster lease purchase, the lease term is four years, including GPU computing services (including supporting servers, network and storage, etc.) 128sets. The total transaction price, including tax, is about 468 million yuan.

4. Radio and Television Express: the subsidiary won the bid of 575 million yuan for Guangzhou Government Cloud Project.

According to the announcement on the evening of May 26th of American Express (002152), the wholly-owned subsidiary of the company won the bid for the government cloud resource rental service project of Guangzhou Digital Government Cloud Service Operation and maintenance Project of Guangzhou Municipal Administration of Government Services and data 2024-2027, the winning bid amount was 575 million yuan, accounting for about 6.36% of the company's audited operating income in 2023.

5. Guangqi Technology: the subsidiary jointly developed the world's first set of automobile compact field test system.

Guangqi Technology (002625) announced on the evening of May 26th that in order to solve the industry problem of testing and evaluating the air performance of large vehicle antennas, the Tianjin Inspection Center of China Automobile Center and the company's wholly-owned subsidiary Guangqichao Materials independently developed the world's first set of automobile compact field test system. The related test system was officially installed on May 24, 2024, and the compact field test technology was applied to the automobile testing field for the first time in the world, which filled the gap in the far-field testing of automobile antenna performance. China Automotive Technology Research Center Co., Ltd. (the parent company of Sinochem Tianjin Inspection Center) announced the relevant information about the official launch of the test system on the same day.

6. Blue Ocean Huateng: the motor controller project of electric aircraft has received the first government funding.

Lan Haihuateng said in a recent institutional survey that the electric aircraft motor controller project, as the company's key development project in the future, has set up a relevant team to focus on the research and development of the motor controller for electric aircraft, which is currently in the stage of tackling key technical problems; the project has been reported to the Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission as a major science and technology project, and has obtained the first government funding.

trustdicecasino| On May 27, 2024, the daily limit was known: the seven major benefits are expected to ferment

7. Ziguang shares: it plans to acquire a 30% stake in Xinhua for US $2.143 billion.

Ziguang shares (000938) announced on the evening of May 24th that the company intends to buy its 33% stake in Xinhua from HPE Cayman through its wholly-owned subsidiary Ziguang International in cash, and its 31% stake in Xinhua from Izar Holding Co in cash. The listed company acquired a total of 33% stake in Xinhua at a total price of US $2.143 billion. The proportion of Xinhua three shares held indirectly by the trading company will be increased to 81%. In addition, it is proposed to terminate the issue of A-shares to specific targets in 2023.