bonuspokeronline| US regulators advance bank executive bonus recovery measures for the third time


Gelonghui May 7| On May 6 local time, three U.S. regulatory agencies-the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the Federal Housing Finance Administration and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency-have passed proposed rulemaking notices, aiming to formulate final rules.bonuspokeronlineThe incentive-based remuneration rules of the bank propose mandatory recovery of certain incentive remuneration for bank executives. The Federal Reserve, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the National Credit Union Administration must also propose and finalize plans to put the measures into effect. The proposed rules aim to curb risk-taking by forcing executives and other prominent employees to wait longer to receive established bonuses until the results of their decisions are clear. The plan goes further than the 2016 version, which left banks to decide whether to recover relevant remuneration. This regulation is based on the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, which aims to prevent excessive risk-taking behavior.

bonuspokeronline| US regulators advance bank executive bonus recovery measures for the third time