majesticgoldslot| The development index of small and medium-sized enterprises has rebounded for two consecutive months


Data released by China Association of small and medium-sized Enterprises showMajesticgoldslotThe development index of SMEs in April was 89Majesticgoldslot.4, up 0% from MarchMajesticgoldslot.1 points, rebounded for two consecutive months, although still below the economic critical value of 100, but higher than the level of the same period in 2022 and 2023. Among them, the sub-sector index rose 5, 1 flat 2 fell, and the sub-index 3 rose 3 flat 2 fell.

Ma Bin, executive vice president of the Association of small and medium-sized Enterprises, said that the development index of small and medium-sized enterprises showed an overall upward trend in the first four months of this year. Except for a slight drop of 0.1 points in February, the index rose 0.1 points to 0.2 points in January, March and April, respectively. The economy has made a good start, and small and medium-sized enterprises as a whole are continuing to recover. In particular, in April, the SME development index has reached since September 2023.MajesticgoldslotIt's a new high. Unlike in the past, the rise in the index was mainly driven by the rise in industry, the rise in the index in April was mainly driven by the recovery of the service industry, indicating that the recovery of the service industry is becoming an important factor driving the recovery of the development index of small and medium-sized enterprises.

majesticgoldslot| The development index of small and medium-sized enterprises has rebounded for two consecutive months

Specifically, in April, the production of small and medium-sized enterprises continued to recover, and the operating rate continued to rise. The survey of the operating rate of sample enterprises showed that in April, enterprises with full operation accounted for 54.3%, up 6.8 percentage points from March; those with operating rates between 75% and 100% accounted for 12.2%, up 0.8 percentage points; those with operating rates between 50% and 75% accounted for 15.0%, down 2.7 percentage points; those with operating rates less than 50% accounted for 11.3%, down 3.8 percentage points. Those who did not start work accounted for 7.3%, down 0.9 percentage points.

Ma Bin said that in April, enterprises with an operating rate of more than 75% accounted for nearly 70%, a significant increase over previous years. The production of small and medium-sized enterprises continued to recover, and the operating rate continued to rise.

The sub-sector index rose by 5, leveled off by 1 and fell by 2. In April, the index of industry and real estate both fell 0.1 points compared with March, while the index of accommodation and catering was unchanged. The index of construction, transportation, postal storage, wholesale and retail, social services and information transmission computer service software increased by 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.5 and 0.1 points respectively compared with March, while the social services index increased significantly. The eight sub-industry indices are all below the boom threshold of 100. The recovery of the industry is divided, industrial production and demand is declining, and the demand and sales of contact agglomeration services are on the rise.

Sub-index 3 up, 3 flat and 2 down. In April, the comprehensive operation index continued to rise, rising 0.3 points from the previous month, with the highest increase; the capital index rose from flat to flat, rising 0.2 points, the second highest; the labor index rose from falling to rising by 0.1 points; the cost index and input index changed from falling to leveling; the market index changed from rising to leveling; and the macroeconomic perception index and benefit index decreased by 0.1 points. Capital index and labor index are above the boom critical value of 100, other indicators are below the boom critical value of 100, and the benefit index has been at the lowest level.

From a regional point of view, in April, the development index of small and medium-sized enterprises in the eastern, central, western and northeast regions was 90.1, 90.2, 88.1 and 80.9 respectively, the eastern and western region index was the same as in March, and the central region index was 0.1 points higher than that in March. the northeast region index fell 0.1 points.

Ma Bin said that from the perspective of operation, the overall recovery of small and medium-sized enterprises continued, the market demand rebounded slightly, and the operating rate of enterprises increased. However, from the point of view of the operation, the pressure of the enterprise is still great, mainly accompanied by the recovery of enterprise operation, the increase of cost, the non-synchronization of benefit improvement, the lack of micro-vitality and the weak driving force of continuous recovery. It is hoped that the government will further reduce taxes and fees to reduce the burden of small and medium-sized enterprises, help small and medium-sized enterprises obtain orders through government procurement and other means, further optimize the business environment, and enhance the confidence of enterprise development.

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