ruby7videopoker| The Ministry of Transport responded that "folding electric vehicles are prohibited from being used on the subway"


Gelonghui May 13| According to the country's direct train, some netizens recently suggested strengthening the source control of folding electric vehicles, electric tricycles, electric scooters, balance cars, and electric unicycles, and improving national standards as soon as possible. It is prohibited to enter rail transit vehicles. Ministry of Transport respondedruby7videopoker: There is no unified list of prohibited items at the national level. Regarding the problems reported by netizens that folding electric vehicles, electric tricycles, electric scooters, etc. pose safety risks to urban rail transit operations, we will increase research efforts and urge local transportation authorities to cooperate with relevant departments to gradually improve the catalog of items prohibited from carrying by passengers. Strengthen safety precautions and continuously improve the safety and service level of urban rail transit operations.

ruby7videopoker| The Ministry of Transport responded that "folding electric vehicles are prohibited from being used on the subway"