digitalroulette| The two cities adjusted and adjusted back the real estate industry favored by funds!


Special topicDigitalrouletteThe internal and external environment is conducive to the stabilization of the market and the future stock index is expected to keep fluctuating and rising.

The market continued to adjust on Wednesday, with industries in the two cities divided. Industries such as real estate, household goods, building materials, comprehensive categories, household appliances, coal, chemical fiber, communications equipment, paper, banking and trade agents showed resistance. Industries such as shipping, securities, medicine, agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing, gas and heating, oil, food and beverage, electricity, water, non-ferrous, diversified finance, warehousing logistics, chemical industry and other industries showed a pullback. In terms of theme plate, aquatic products, hire and purchase rights, horse racing concept, PEEK materials, carbon fiber, chemical fertilizer concept, artificial meat, POE plastic film, green building and other themes showed rotation, while virtual power plant, CXO concept, power exchange concept, UHV, immunotherapy, high voltage fast charging, assisted reproduction, state-owned assets cloud, hepatitis concept, seed industry and other themes showed weakness. By the end of the day, the Prev was down 0.Digitalroulette.82% to close at 3119Digitalroulette.90 points; the Shenzhen Composite Index fell 0.88% to close at 9583.54 points; the gem fell 0.90% to close at 1838.89 points.

From the point of view of the main capital flow of the two markets, by the close, there was a substantial net outflow of main funds from the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets.DigitalrouletteThe total outflow from the two cities is 30.60414 billion yuan. Of this total, the large single net outflow is 13.6878 billion yuan, the large single net outflow is 16.91634 billion yuan, the medium single net inflow is 3.06869 billion yuan, and the small single net inflow is 275354.5 billion yuan.

From the point of view of the capital flow of the industry plate of the two cities, the real estate development industry received a net inflow of 1.467 billion of the main capital, the real estate service plate received a net inflow of 212 million of the main capital, the decoration and building materials plate received a net inflow of 95.7866 million of the main capital, and the semiconductor plate received a net inflow of 70.8321 million of the main capital. the main force of the chemical fertilizer plate has a net inflow of 63.5192 million.

From the point of view of the capital flow of individual stocks in the market, the top 10 net inflows of main funds are as follows:

digitalroulette| The two cities adjusted and adjusted back the real estate industry favored by funds!

Judging from the main capital flow of individual stocks in the two cities, Tongfu Weidian received a net inflow of 833 million of the main capital, Vanke A received a net inflow of 586 million of the main capital, Fulian received a net inflow of 230 million of the main capital, Shaanxi coal industry received a net inflow of 203 million of the main capital, and Shanggong Shenbei received a net inflow of 177 million of the main capital.

On the whole, the market continues to show shock adjustment, industry differentiation and local rotation in the two cities have recently continued high contraction adjustment, short-term market capital differences have increased, the overall decline of the intraday industry plate highlights the pressure of market adjustment, and market defense sentiment has improved. From the performance of intraday plate, cycle, finance, consumption, science and technology, military industry reappear local rotation, market capital outflow aggravates the adjustment and differentiation of intraday plate, and intraday stock index continues to fluctuate in a narrow range. In the short term, the market has a high probability of technical retread, and the local tires in the intraday plate highlight the short-term structural characteristics of the market. At present, the overall performance of the market is weakening. Therefore, in terms of operational strategy, it is recommended that short-term investors wait and see, while medium-term investors can grasp the pace of market adjustment, carry out medium-and long-term layout and sector opportunities. It is suggested that investors continue to pay attention to pro-cyclical industries and big consumption themes under the expectation of economic recovery. Focus on the theme of large infrastructure and big consumer sectors, as well as low-level economy, artificial intelligence, intelligent machines and non-bank finance, new energy track stock opportunities under new productivity.