thecubegameshow| Lou Wenlong, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China, was reviewed and investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission


Lou Wenlong, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Agricultural Bank of China, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and lawthecubegameshow, is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission.

According to public information, Lou Wenlong, Han nationality, was born in January 1958, from Zhuji City, Zhejiang Province, has a bachelor's degree and a senior economist. He served as member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Agricultural Bank of China. He has served successively as Secretary of the Youth League Committee and Section Chief of Student Section of Zhejiang Bank School, Director of the Teaching and Research Section of Chengjin School, Secretary of the Youth League Committee, Deputy Director and Director of the People's Bank of China Zhejiang Province Branch, Director of the Banking Inspection Department of Hangzhou Financial Supervision Office of the People's Bank of China Shanghai Branch, Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Leader of the China Construction Bank Supervision Group of the First Banking Supervision Department of the People's Bank of China, and Deputy Director of the Second Banking Supervision Department of the China Banking Regulatory Commission. In 2005, he served as director of the Second Supervision Department of the CBRC. From February 2009 to July 2012, he served as director and party secretary of the Beijing Banking Regulatory Bureau. In July 2012, he served as deputy president of the Agricultural Bank of China.

thecubegameshow| Lou Wenlong, former member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Agricultural Bank of China, was reviewed and investigated by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission