bestandroidcryptogame| The price difference between official reductions and refunds? Ideal Car: Illegal elements released under false names


bestandroidcryptogame| The price difference between official reductions and refunds? Ideal Car: Illegal elements released under false names

In response to a recent so-called "price reduction due to ideal adjustment, the price difference will be fully refunded from now on"bestandroidcryptogameOn May 16, the Legal Department of Ideal Automobile issued a statement saying that some users reported that criminals used Beijing Ideal Automobile Co., Ltd. and the National 12315 Platform to refund fees to users to induce users to click and log in to fraudulent websites. Illegal and criminal acts. In response to the above-mentioned illegal acts of falsely using the name of ideal cars to infringe on consumers 'rights and interests, legal measures have been taken to investigate the legal responsibilities of relevant parties.

The statement reminds that official notices and information updates of Ideal Car will be released through the official website, official customer service hotline, Ideal Car App and certified social media platformsbestandroidcryptogame; Please do not reply to text messages, click on links, or provide sensitive information such as personal bank accounts, passwords, and Captcha without verifying with Ideal Automobile officials.